
⛔️ DEPRECATED 💸💳The package allows you accept payment using Rave by Flutterwave and guess what , it doesn't require any form of linking, just install and begin to use .

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

No Maintenance Intended


This will no longer be maintained or updated, please consider using react-native-ortho instead.

All Contributors

This is the react native SDK for Rave By Flutterwave.

💸💳The package allows you accept payment using Rave by Flutterwave and guess what , it doesn't require any form of linking, just install and begin to use .


Our release cycle is independent of react-native. We follow semver and here is the compatibility table:

@react-native-community/cli react-native
^1.0.0 ^0.59.0

Table Of Content

Getting Started



To use react native rave webview in your application, you need to have Node and npm downloaded and installed on your machine.

  • Click Here to download and install Node to your machine, npm is always automatically installed when you install Node.

  • To ensure you have Node and npm installed, enter the following command into your terminal/command prompt node -v and npm -v respectively.

  • To run react native on your machine you can use npm install -g expo-cli to install Expo CLI a command line utility to get you started quickly or use this command npm install -g react-native-cli to install the react native CLI.


To Implement Rave By Flutterwave easily with React Native

  • You can get your Public, Secret and your Encryption Keys on your account by clicking this link >>> Flutterwave Rave Live.

  • To get your TEST public, secret and encryption keys click on the Live Mode Toggle button to switch to Test account and Test Mode Toggle button to switch to live.

  • This is shown in the screenshots displayed below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

How It Works

This is a simple demonstration of how to set up a simple react native app and integrate rave react native SDK into it.

Using the Expo CLI command line utility, Enter the following command to get started:

  • expo init AwesomeProject

  • cd AwesomeProject

  • npm start

  • You should get this from your terminal: enter image description here

  • Install the Expo client or mobile application from Apple Store or Playstore

  • Open the Expo client app you installed on your mobile phone, then scan the barcode displaying on the terminal on your PC.

  • If successfully scanned and built, your app should load up on your mobile phone with the result in the image below; enter image description here

Integrating Rave React Native

You can pull in react-native-rave-webview into app with the steps below;

  • Change directory into your current project directory from your terminal and enter this command:

    npm install react-native-rave-webview --save


    yarn add react-native-rave-webview

    and that's it, you're all good to go!

Note: To use Yarn on your machine Click Here



1. import Rave Component

    import Rave from 'react-native-rave-webview';

2. Set your success, failure and close methods

   constructor (props) {

 onSuccess (data) {
   console.log('success', data)
   // You can get the transaction reference from successful transaction charge response returned and handle your transaction verification here

 onCancel () {
   console.log('error', 'Transaction was Cancelled!')

 onError () {
   // an error occoured

3. Use component (ensure to set currency for the desired payment method to display)

render () {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          buttonText='Pay Now'
          billingName='Oluwatobi Shokunbi'
          onCancel={() => this.onCancel()}
          onSuccess={transactionRef => this.onSuccess(transactionRef)}
            backgroundColor: 'green',
            width: 100,
            alignContent: 'center'
          textStyles={{ color: 'white', alignSelf: 'center' }}
          onError={() => {
            alert('something went wrong')


all React-Native-rave-WebView API

Name use/description extra
buttonText Defines text on the button default: Pay Now
textStyles Defines styles for text in button nill
btnStyles Defines style for button nill
raveKey Public or Private paystack key(visit https://rave.flutterwave.com to get yours) nill
amount Amount to be paid nill
txref set TransactionRef of transaction nill
ActivityIndicatorColor color of loader default: green
billingEmail Billers email default: nill
billingMobile Billers mobile default: nill
billingName Billers Name default: nill
onCancel callback function if user cancels default: nill
onSuccess callback function if transaction was successful (it will also return the transactionRef number in the callback ) default: nill
onError callback function if an error occured during transaction default: nill


What to help make this package even more awesome? Read how to contribute


This project is licensed under MIT license.

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Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Oluwatobi Shokunbi

💻 📖

Akinyemi Mosolasi


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!