
Allow propertyMap rules at transformQuery

jnavb opened this issue · 3 comments

the documentation of ruleGroupProcessor argument for transformQuery states:

     * When a group is encountered in the hierarchy, it will be replaced
     * with the result of this function. Note that the `rules` property from
     * the original group will be processed as normal and reapplied to the
     * new group object.
     * @defaultValue `rg => rg`

is there a reason why a change in the property rules is not supported?

You know, I think maybe it was just easier to do it that way when I first implemented transformQuery. As of now I can't really see a reason to keep that limitation, so I'll see if I can remove it.

@jnavb This has been resolved in v6.5.3, but I just realized I forgot to update the JSDoc in the code itself so it still says the rules property will always be retained even though that's not true. I'll fix that in the next release.

@jakeboone02 just test it and works nicely, thanks!