
After override valueEdit, I can't input continuously

hfmvin opened this issue · 6 comments

I suspect that after each input, handleOnchange caused valueEditor to rerender

const customEdit = (props) => {
return <input onChange={(e)=>props.handleOnChange(} value={props.value} />

const controlElements = {
valueEditor: customEdit


This solves the current problem.But in this case, my custom component cannot obtain the values passed by the parent component.

This solves the current problem. But in this case, my custom component cannot obtain the values passed by the parent component.

Can you be more specific? What values are not accessible? And as always, a working code sample demonstrating the issue is helpful.



For example, I want to pass options to the custom component to generate, which I can define internally,as follows. If I follow the above solution by defining the CustomiValueEditor outside of queryBuilder, I will not be able to obtain options. const queryBuilder = (options)=>{ //other stuff......... const CustomValueEditor= props => { return <select options={options}/> } return { <QueryBuilder fields={fields} query={query} handleOnChange={q => setQuery(q)} controlElements={{ valueEditor: CustomValueEditor, }} /> } }

I'm not sure this is the best solution, but you might try the context prop. You can put anything you want in that prop and it will be passed down to every component.

My problem has been solved. Thank you for your answer