
Change formatQuery (jsonlogic) output structure avoiding subgroup collapsion

Coooi opened this issue · 1 comments

As a follow up of #609,

Ideally, the queryFormat with jsonLogic should follow the RQB structure as in.

Current implementation:


  "combinator": "and",
  "not": false,
  "rules": [
      "field": "firstName",
      "value": "Stev",
      "operator": "beginsWith"
      "rules": [
          "field": "age",
          "operator": "=",
          "valueSource": "value",
          "value": "23"
      "combinator": "or",
      "not": false

formatQuery jsonLogic output:

  "and": [
      "startsWith": [
          "var": "firstName"
      "==": [
          "var": "age"

Since it doesn't follow the query structure by collapsing the subgroup that contains a single rule, we want to prevent subgroups from collapsing.

Desired jsonLogic output:

  "and": [
      "startsWith": [
          "var": "firstName"
      "or": [
          "==": [
              "var": "age"

Thanks for reporting this! It should be fixed in v7, to be released soon. I'll include it in version 7.0.0-rc.1.