Webpack resolve modules question
dcworldwide opened this issue · 2 comments
dcworldwide commented
When using the ExtractTextPlugin plugin to resolve all styles, won't this load stylesheets from other node module folders that are not part of react-toolbox and should thus be ignored?
extensions: ['', '.js', '.jsx', '.scss'],
modulesDirectories: [
path.resolve(__dirname, './node_modules')
javivelasco commented
Depends on how do you configure and require of course. That example is probably not the best though because we need to tweak a bit the configuration to use the upper directory as if it were the final build. Anyway, you only bundle what you require so I guess you just need to be careful!
javivelasco commented
Wow I thought this was react-toolbox main repository, it's not the best configuration example anyway, I should change it