Pinned issues
- 2
Create DigitDisplay component
#127 opened - 2
- 6
Create SelectBox component
#123 opened - 2
Allow disabling shadow in all components
#114 opened - 1
Deploy Storybook in CI/CD pipeline
#110 opened - 2
List z-index not working
#105 opened - 1
- 0
Create a theme generator
#97 opened - 1
Add ColorPicker component
#96 opened - 3
Add "menu" variant of Checkbox and Radio
#92 opened - 1
forwardRef for every component
#91 opened - 1
- 0
Create Stepper component
#81 opened - 3
Add primary variant to <Button />
#74 opened - 1
Focus management / accessibility
#73 opened - 2
Rewrite Select component
#69 opened - 3
Cannot pass ref to TextField
#68 opened - 0
Include React95 logo in the bundle
#57 opened - 2
- 3
Prettier configuration
#54 opened - 6
ESLint configuration
#50 opened - 2
- 2
Select component: overflowing items
#45 opened - 9
- 2
Add TypeScript type declaration file
#38 opened - 1
- 0
Make UI kit for Adobe XD
#34 opened - 1
Create flat variants of components
#32 opened - 4
Snackbar component
#31 opened - 4
#29 opened - 11
#27 opened - 10
#26 opened - 25
- 1
update to storybook v5
#20 opened - 3
yarn or npm
#18 opened - 4
Vertical divider would be nice
#17 opened - 2
- 0
- 2
- 11
range slider component
#12 opened - 2
- 4
Storybook build output folder
#10 opened - 1
- 1
Cannot import Menu component
#8 opened - 1
About sharing knowledge
#7 opened - 2
- 4
Add Windows 95 styled scrollbars
#5 opened - 1
- 0
Important question!
#3 opened