
Reduce verbosity of getStaticProps

janus-reith opened this issue · 0 comments

Summary description

We currently need to include getStaticProps in every page to fetch data on the server when creating a static page.
Instead, I tried to put that function and just reexport it per page, and can confirm that this works.
On a page this would just look like this:

import getStaticProps from "staticUtils/pageHelpers/getDefaultStaticProps";
export { getStaticProps };

TBD: We could create multiple functions similar to getDefaultStaticProps which include other specific fetches, or make a more sophisticated approach where you don't just reexport getStaticProps, but call that helper with a list of requirements and it returns the proper getStaticProps function.

Rationale for why this feature is necessary

There is a lot of duplication for getStaticProps, as most pages will fetch the same data.

Expected use cases

Used on every page in the storefront