
Sitemap isn't being generated

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Type: minor

Describe the bug
The sitemap isn't being generated on trunk in development.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Start development.
  2. Navigate to /sitemap.xml
  3. See screenshot.

Expected behavior
A sitemap is generated with pages for each locale present.


Screen Capture_select-area_20200728193128

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Arch Linux
  • Browser: Ungoogled Chromium
  • Version: Version 84.0.4147.89 (Official Build) Arch Linux (64-bit)

Additional context
Consider the impact of duplicative content on SEO when only the interface is translated.

The sitemap is fetched from the API over GraphQL and created there, please check your sitemap settings in the admin.
If anything doesn't work as expected, please open an issue there instead:
If you can't pinpoint an API issue to a plugin though, you could also just create an issue about it here:

There is however one minor storefront issue visible in your screenshot due to the storefront not detecting the protocol properly and therefore using undefined//.
This however is resolved in the api-route version of this in the trunk branch, which now simply uses CANONICAL_URL provided from env instead of parsing the incoming request, as described here: #689

I'm closing this, as I don't think that the issue is related to the storefront.

Thanks @janus-reith. I've started opening issues there starting with reactioncommerce/api-plugin-sitemap-generator#12 which may be why, in the image above, we don't see the the Tags Sitemap being generated. Given the different moving parts related to sitemap generation (API/Job Queue/Sitemap Generator) it's a bit tricky to debug.

In the off-chance you have any suggestions for how to get a step debugger set-up in the API plugins, or if there's a doc I missed in order to do so, I'd appreciate the olive branch.