
Example-storefront: 404 on PDP when admin saves a product without title

jrw421 opened this issue · 0 comments

Type: minor

Describe the bug
Admin can save and publish a product without adding its title. This product, when published, is naturally displayed on the storefront side. When the customer tries to open PDP for that product, the system throws 404 Not Found error (in case of Mac) and Sorry! We couldn't find what you're looking for error (in case of Ubuntu).

To Reproduce

  1. From reaction admin, create a product without its title (and thus, slug)
  2. Publish this product
  3. From storefront, open the PDP of the product without title

Expected behavior
Error handling on example-storefront for pre-existing products missing titles.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • MAC OS Catalina
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

Additional context
There is currently a PR out for requiring a title on product creation in reaction-admin.