
Payment methods does not available

OlehObodin opened this issue · 3 comments

Type: breaking|critical|major|minor

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Enable Stripe
Enable IOU

Expected behavior
I should see the form with payment credentials

When trying to buy got the error
Variable "$shopId" of non-null type "ID!" must not be null.

I'm getting the same issue as well.

@OlehObodin Did you manage to resolve this issue ?

@ianchikwature I have played with versions. So tag v.4.18 for admin, and v.5.1.3 for storefront have made it work.

@OlehObodin Thanks for the reply.

admin tags only go up to v4.0.0-beta, did you mean the reaction API, v4.1.8 tag?