
Product variant form not showing "fulfillment" control

ilichh1 opened this issue · 2 comments


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Issue Description

I followed the getting started guide for the reaction development platform; all the docker containers start and I'm able to login in to the admin dashboard to create my first product (and its respective variant). I'm also able to login into my storefront ( but when I'm at checkout, in the "2. Choose a shipping method" section, a message saying "No fulfillment methods" appears. I'm stuck there.

Steps to Reproduce

Please provide starting context, i.e. logged in as a user, configure a particular payment method.

  1. Followed steps to get started with reaction on development mode:
  2. Started running make
  3. Create first shop after make is done
  4. Create product and product variant
  5. Search for "fulfillment" control on product form


Result of npm run version --silent in path ./reaction-development-platform/reaction-admin


@ilichh1 Before you can checkout you'll need to access admin and (1) add a fulfillment method and (2) add a payment method. Then in your cart go back to step one and then save it for the form to update so you can proceed.

The solution pointed above does the trick.