An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms that is inspired by functional reactive programming. ReactiveUI allows you to abstract mutable state away from your user interfaces, express the idea around a feature in one readable place and improve the testability of your application.
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An attribute for auto notify another property
#3540 opened - 4
[Bug]: Installing ReactiveUI.Wpf in a .NET 7 WPF project forces a restore to .net framework
#3523 opened - 3
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[Bug]: RxUI 18.4.26: ObserveOnDispatcher missing
#3505 opened - 6
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#3499 opened - 1
<!-- Policy app identification -->
#3498 opened - 2
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add support net7.0 windows 7
#3476 opened - 5
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Source Generator and Reactive Attribute, as alternative to ReactiveWindow and ReactiveUserControl
#3449 opened - 5
[Bug]: Type initializer for 'ReactiveUI.RxApp' throws TypeLoadException (DispatcherScheduler)
#3448 opened - 5
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[Bug]: Issue with VSTO addins compiling
#3422 opened - 7
[Bug]: No notifications from nested object if it was generated using Castle.DynamicProxy
#3418 opened - 1
Change POCO type binding warning level to debug
#3415 opened - 6
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[Bug]: Routing to old pages get blank content
#3412 opened - 3
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update src folder links
#3376 opened - 1
update integrationtests folder links
#3367 opened - 3
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Allow null `TSender` for `WhenAnyObservable`
#3343 opened - 8
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[Bug]: CA1416: Validate platform compatibility for RaisePropertyChanged being reported in .Net Maui project
#3340 opened - 4
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[Bug]: Method not found: 'Void ReactiveUI.WaitForDispatcherScheduler..ctor(System.Func`1)'.
#3336 opened - 2
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[Bug]: Router State is No Longer Saved To Disk
#3322 opened - 3
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Unable to catch global exceptions
#3305 opened - 2
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[Feature]: ReactiveUI.Fody [ReactiveCollection] attribute for adding change notifications from collections
#3302 opened - 7
[Bug]: Modifying button enabled state in a ReactiveCommand triggered by that button fails
#3293 opened - 8
[Bug]: RoutedViewHost on ReactiveUserControl doesnt work when classes are in opposite order
#3262 opened - 12
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