
feature: Master Detail Support For Xamarin Forms

albilaga opened this issue ยท 5 comments

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I'm confused how I do navigation using Sextant with Xamarin Forms. Master Detail usually have Navigation Page as root in detail but right now we can't (or I don't know how to) navigate between detail in Master Detail

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Maybe we can take a look how navigation used in default routing from ReactiveUI ?

Hey @albilaga ๐Ÿ‘‹,

Thank you for opening an issue. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Also, check out our Open Collective and consider contributing financially.

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@albilaga I'll put together a Sextant sample for Master Detail. If that feels too cumbersome, I'll look into a true MasterDetailPage implementation.

Any news on this topic?
I would appreciate a small sample.
e.g. a master, 2 details inkl. going back.
Somehow I struggle a bit. ;-)

RLittlesII/ReactiveUI.Showroom#5 has an example of how to implement Master-Detail using Sextant.

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