
[BUG] In Xamarin Forms the iOS dll is loaded instead of the .netstandard (version 1.6.1)

gsgou opened this issue ยท 4 comments

gsgou commented

Describe the bug

package 1.5.5 works as expected in iOS

package 1.6.1 with Linker behavior (Link Framework SDK's only)
Fails to build
MTOUCH : error MT2101: Can't resolve the reference 'Sextant.NavigationView Sextant.SextantHelper::Initialize(System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler,System.Reactive.Concurrency.IScheduler,ReactiveUI.IViewLocator)', referenced from the method 'System.Void XXX.App::.ctor()' in 'Sextant, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

package 1.6.1 with Linker behavior (Don't Link)
Crashes on Startup with System.TypeLoadException has been thrown Sextant.SextantHelper

The iOS dll is getting loaded instead of the .netstandard also if configured:

    <Reference Include="Sextant">


  • OS: iOS
  • Version: 12.2
  • Device: Any device, or simulator

Hey @gsgou ๐Ÿ‘‹,

Thank you for opening an issue. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Also, check out our Open Collective and consider backing us.

PS.: We offer priority support for all backers. Don't forget to add priority label when you start backing us ๐Ÿ˜„

An advanced, composable, functional reactive model-view-viewmodel framework for all .NET platforms!

@gsgou This was documented #54 and resolved #62

I am trying to get a 2.0 release out to resolve this, in the mean time you can use the packages from the GitHub Packages

I believe 1.7.3 should have all the required bits.

gsgou commented

Thanks a lot. Great job, moving from Xamvvm with all the effort and features adding I see.

I unlisted the 1.6.1 package from nuget. That should alleviate anyone else running into this issue until we ship 2.0

Thanks for the report.