
Awaiting Reviews

GasimGasimzada opened this issue · 12 comments

  • How about using "Xeyr!" instead of "Yox!"?
  • How about using "yazılır" instead of "gedir"? As {/* Komment bura yazılır*/}
  • Komponentlərə CSS siniflərini necə əlavə ebilərəm? There are no upper cases in original. Also, check all other headings. One more thing, here "I" subject was used (bilərəm) but in some documents such as Passing Functions to Components there is no subject (Funksiyanı komponent instansiyasına necə bind etmək olar?) in translation (actually, there are both way translations in first two headings in Passing Functions to Components doc.). So, how about translating it as Komponentlərə CSS siniflərini necə əlavə etmək olar? and try to keep one single convention.
  • I think here should be comma: Əgər yuxarıdakı formalı kodu çox yazırsınızsa,
  • In Conditional Rendering documentation "inline" was translated as "sətirdaxili" but here as "eyni-sətrli".
  • I suggest "stillərdən daha performanslıdır." instead of "stillərdən daha tez işləyir."
  • In sentence "JavaScript-də tərtib edilməsi metodu" feels like we are losing context. How about using phrase like "JavaScript ilə" or "JavaScript istifadə edərək"?
  • Another incompatibility between documents: "üçüncü tərəf" instead of "3-cü tərəf"
  • Just a suggestion, how about using "göstərə bilərsiniz" or "istifadə edə bilərsiniz" instead of "istinas edə bilərsiniz". Just seems like unnecessary complicated word.
  • Again, no upper cases in original doc.
  • "proqramçılar" instead of "adamlar"
  • "Xeyr" instead of "Yox"

@mehdiyev Thank you for your contributions! Could you please create a PR with the changes that you have written here?

Is that right translation "string" as "mətn"? "mətn" is more like "text" than "string". Isn't it misleading?

This is something that I decide based on the fact that there is really no translation for string in Azerbaijani. Some people say "simli" but it creates more confusion because. String actually stands for "string of characters." Even though I know that it actually means "text," I chose "mətn" because it is the closest that I could think of a data / scalar type that represents a string of characters.

I am very open to suggestions on this matter.

  • What about not translating it? I mean, we can use original as we did with words such as "rekursiv", "render", "throttle" and so on.

  • Or we can consider translating it with change to avoid lost in translation. For example, some combinations like "simli mətn", "simvol simi", "mətn məlumat növü" or "xarakterlər seriyası".


Or we can consider translating it with change to avoid lost in translation. For example, some combinations like "simli mətn", "simvol simi", "mətn məlumat növü" or "xarakterlər seriyası".

Let's keep them until we are 100% done with the docs, which is very close. Then, we can come to some kind of agreement on what to do next.

@mehdiyev what do you think of translating the term development to "təkmilləşmə"? My only concern is that it can create confusion. Otherwise, I think it is a good translation of the word "Development"

What about "təkmilləşdirmə"? Btw, we also should consider connected term"developer". Translate it as "proqramçı" or "təkmilləşdirici"?

For the term developer, I have done it in a lot of places. I think the only place where I haven't done it is when the term is "developer tools" or something similar.

What about "təkmilləşdirmə"?

doesn't matter. whichever works best based on context.

Okay then. I think it is good translation and I feel like we shouldn't be worried about confusion. Azerbaijani is not rich with technical terms but it should and it is getting updates by time. And we are part of it. ReactJS is a very popular lib and its documentation can be used as reference for translations of tech terms. So, we can kind of start with new translation of tech terms, aware or unaware. And with new terms of course will be some confusions at the beginning till community accepts it.

@mehdiyev I have been thinking about the word "string" and what do you think of "simvollar ardıcıllığı" or "simvollar simi"?

@GasimGasimzada I think "simvollar simi" is better. It contains word "sim" which is literal translation of "string" and it is more specific.