
Translation of the term "Classes"

GasimGasimzada opened this issue · 5 comments

This issue is created to discuss if we should be using "siniflər", "class-lar", or "klaslar"? Currently, we have been using "klaslar" to refer to classes; however, this might not be the best option. I want to hear your opinions.

Comments in Azerbaijani are more than welcome!

Let me give a simple example, though there are certainly more. If we look at Wikipedia, we see that everyone wrote this word in their own language. Why should we keep this in English?

And I also propose replacing the word "uşaq komponent|element|sinif" respectively with "alt (or "törəmə") komponent|element|sinif" etc.

Fair point, let's do it. I checked it out for other languages and they all translated the terms.

Regarding "uşaq komponent|element|sinif", "alt" or törəmə is better. But in most cases uşaq komponent (or element) refers to child component (or element) in React, which actually refers to child nodes in the component tree. So, we need to be careful what we translate. If we translate the term "child class inherited from X" or "subclass", we can do it. But if we translate something like "render child element in component X," it is not alt (or törəmə) anymore. Even from the technically, it refers to composition vs inheritance.

Closing it now as major part of this has been done. If there are any other issues in the future, just create a new PR with the fixes!