
[OLD] Legacy Polish Translation Progress

tesseralis opened this issue ยท 80 comments

Slack - join to see the glossary and chat with other team members!
#pl - general discussion
#pl-glossary - the glossary (use the search feature to find words)

Maintainer List

Retired maintainers

For New Translators

To translate a page:

  1. Check that no one else has claimed your page in the checklist and comments below.
  2. Comment below with the name of the page you would like to translate. Please take only one page at a time.
  3. Clone this repo, translate your page, and submit a pull request!

Before contributing, read the glossary and style guide (once they exist) to understand how to translate various technical and React-specific terms.

Please be prompt with your translations! If you find find that you can't commit any more, let the maintainers know so they can assign the page to someone else.

For Maintainers

When someone volunteers, edit this issue with the username of the volunteer, and with the PR. Ex:

When PRs are merged, make sure to mark that page as completed!
Note: We require two maintainers to approve a PR for it to be merged.

Note: Since most of the PRs are created from forks, we can't add our own commits to them. Let's make a rule that if a PR's author doesn't respond within 7 days, we take the translated page over. Another person can create their own PR with the translated content, apply any suggestions added to the old PR, and submit. To be fair, let's not remove entirely the original author from the list below - just add the new translator after comma.
If the author leaves a message that they won't be available for a few days - that's fine, we'll wait.

Core Pages

To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.


API Reference


These are the navigation links that appears in the sidebar. Possibly wait until
the corresponding sections are translated to do these.

Next Steps

These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:



Everyone is hooked on hooks! People are really excited for these and it would be great for them to be translated.



These are the pages that you get when you click the links in the console (e.g. People tend to search these, so please don't translate the error message itself.

Advanced Guides



Priority: Low

  • How to Contribute
  • Codebase Overview
  • Implementation Notes
  • Design Principles


Components in src/components that have some text in them.

Additional Translations

These are not the primary translation targets.

Do we (the maintainers) need to put the name of the page we want to translate in the comments here? Or do we just add our username next to the page without asking? ;-) Just curious.

Up to you! But it might be a nice courtesy to other contributors and to the other maintainers.

Okay then, I'll start off with the style guide.

TeoTN commented

Grand! I'll go for Basics first:

  • Hello World
  • Introducing JSX
  • Rendering Elements
  • Components and Props
    (If adjustments to align w/style guide are required, I'll follow)

@tesseralis wrote above: "Please take only one page at a time". I'm actually okay with picking multiple pages at once, since there's only three of us right now and there's lots of work ahead. But I want to know for sure. What's the verdict? :-)

TeoTN commented

I took these since they're relatively short and basic - I can adjust ;)

Where do you prefer to keep the glossary? Should we create an issue for it, put into the style guide (like the Spanish team did) or create a separate file?

TeoTN commented

I'd vote for putting it into a style guide

I'll take these next:

  • State and Lifecycle
  • Handling Events

It's up to you -- it's your project and you can change that rule if you want if you feel it's too restrictive for a small group. Even though it might be a few of you now, more people might join in later.

Though I would encourage you to submit pull requests for pages as soon as you're done with them instead of, say, doing five pages and submitting one big pull request for all of them. One thing another language maintainer pointed out is that you could make one consistent style error that isn't caught until PR, which means you'll have to go back and change all your work!

Guys @jakubdrozdek, @bartlomiejzuber, and @TeoTN I would like to help u with this translation. Where can I start? Do you have any slack etc. to communicate?

We communicate via Github Issues. Maybe later on we will add other ways to discuss.

I'd like to help. I would take care of Getting Started page, if that's fine, since I almost have it done?

@TeoTN @iamarek @cvqprs @bartlomiejzuber Since we need approval of TWO maintainers for a PR to be merged, please don't let them wait for too long unreviewed.

@jakubdrozdek @cvqprs @TeoTN @iamarek I've made discord channel for us. You can join using this link:
(We have moved to Spectrum). I think it would be easier to communicate via discord. ๐Ÿค™

// edit
Please use link to Spectrum channel:

My discord says that this link is either invalid or outdated...

The same here, issue with link.

If I can suggest or - free slack alternatives.

@tesseralis Could you add @iamarek to the team?

@iamarek @TeoTN @cvqprs @bartlomiejzuber Please add the PR reference to the list above, right after you create it. It will make the list consistent and up-to-date at all times, and it will be easier to track the progress or see when and how was the file translated.

I have created reactjs-org-i18n community on Spectrum ( Please join if you want to discuss anything related to the docs translation process.

@tesseralis Hello. My name is Marcin. I used to be a professional English-Polish translator and I am a React enthusiast. I'd be very happy to contribute to this project. Please be so kind as to add me to the group. Here's my LinkedIn profile.

Cool, more experienced volunteers! @marcinostrouch, welcome aboard!
Please go to our Spectrum channel and join the discussion. Nat will probably add you some time later.

@marcinostrouch you can start by choosing a page to translate! If you want to be a maintainer, update the list of Polish translation maintainers and get one of the current maintainers to approve it, and I'll add you to the list.

Great! Thank you guys @tesseralis @jakubdrozdek

@iamarek @cvqprs Please do the same with the list of Polish translation maintainers (as @tesseralis mentioned) if you want to be maintainers, too.

We are switching the communication platform again... But hopefully for the last time.
Please join to the Slack workspace called react-translations via this link. If it doesn't work for you for some reason, send me your e-mail address and I'll invite you.

@jakubdrozdek Provided link doesn't work for me. But that one works fine:

I'm taking Lifting State Up as a next one.

I'll take 'Composition vs. Inheritance'.

My previous page is ready for review. Taking 'Tutorial' next - it's gonna be a long one :-)

I'll translate API Reference - React

I'm taking "Create a New React App"

I'll take the testing docs next:

  • Test Utilities
  • Shallow Renderer
  • Test Renderer
goto1 commented

Hi all, I would like to contribute as well. Is the first post in this thread showing the up-to-date list of items that are currently taken and/or available for someone to contribute? Thanks.

@goto1 Hi Tom! We would love to have you on board. โœ‹ If you want to be a maintainer please update that file -> and make PR so @tesseralis could add you.

I'm doing Forms

g12i commented

Hello there! I'd like to translate Hooks part :). I've added myself in reactjs/

Okay, assigned you to the first file. Once you're done and PR is merged, you'll get the other ones :)

I'll take the Home Page.

g12i commented

While waiting for review I'm starting another Hooks page

Hooks at a Glance

@tesseralis @jakubdrozdek @bartlomiejzuber @TeoTN @cvqprs @marcinostrouch @iamarek

Hello everyone! I am willing to contribute to assist with the completion of Polish translations. I was thinking of getting started with the warnings pages unless there's a different area you would prefer that I continue.

Thanks, Patrick.

Hey, Patrick! Please add yourself to the repo's contributors via PR. Then, join us on Slack. Once you're done with it, take one page from the list and translate it.
As you can see in the first post, we should focus on the Core Pages first, because they are required for the official release. But of course you can take one from the 'Others' category - as a warm-up :-)

@jakubdrozdek Thank you I am good to go. I will start with the ReactDOM page.

Hello! I'd like to help you with Polish translations. I've added myself to maintainers in reactjs/ I will start with the DOM Elements part.

ReactDom page is awaiting review. I will begin working on the ReactDomServer page next.

Looks like some of the PRs wait for the author's response for too long, blocking the overall progress. Since all PRs are created from forks, we can't add our own commits to them. Let's make a rule that if a PR's author doesn't respond within 7 days, we take it over. Someone can create their own PR with translated content, apply any suggestions added to the old PR, and submit.
If the author leaves a message that they won't be available for a few days - that's fine, we'll wait. But we don't need ghost contributors.

I've made a PR for a DOM Elements page. I'll take ReactDOMServer next

Hi, I'd like to help too. I'll take Rendering Elements from Basics.

Next I would like to take 'Components and Props'.

'Components and Props' is waiting for review, so next I will take 'React.Component'.

Taking 'SyntheticEvent'.

I unassigned bartlomiejzuber from two pages because of lack of presence for quite some time. They are free to be taken.

Just longer "vacation" but I am getting back on weekend. :) Currently in travel. If those will be still free till weekend I will book them again and translate them on weekend.

Cool. Glad to have you back :) We just don't want to wait forever for translations, that's all. No hard feelings ;)

Taking 'Glossary'

Doing "Conditional Rendering"

Hi, I want to help with translations so I'll take "Error Boundaries"

I'm going to put the testing section under "Next Steps" for now so you all don't end up losing progress on Core ;)

Thanks, @tesseralis! :) Makes sense. Did you notice a drop in the percentage of our progress?

@tesseralis Hey, Nat. Could you add @m8ms to React Community? I'd like to add him to the translation team, but I'm allowed to add Community members only.

Hey again, I would like to help with translating 'JSX In Depth' page :)

Hey guys, I will take "Uncontrolled Components" section :)

I'll take "React Without JSX" next

I'll take "Babel, JSX, and Build Steps"

I'll take "File Structure" next

I'll take "Virtual DOM and Internals"

Taking "Passing Functions to Components"

I'll take Optimizing Performance next :) JSX in depth in code review already

i'll take Typechecking With PropTypes #185

@tesseralis Hey! I just noticed there are a couple of checkboxes missing on the translation list in the first post. Do you have the complete list and could you paste it here? Or at least tell me where can I get the latest pages list :-) Thanks in advance.

Hey! If I may - I started translation of Portals page #215

@polapolaczek @mbiesiad Please join our Slack workspace to see the glossary and check how we translate things here :-)
Link to Slack workspace is in the first post of this thread.

@jakubdrozdek Is this still active? Is this link correct? I'm a member of several workspaces there, but here is a problem with log in.. I'll try again close to the Fri. Let's keep in touch, greetings.

It is. Maybe you need some kind of invite? I remember there's this link: Maybe it still works?

it works! thanks a lot ๐Ÿฆ„

Hi. I'd like to translate Reconciliation page. To me it's a very important part of the docs that's often misunderstood.

@jakubdrozdek #236 Reconciliation is waiting for review ๐Ÿ‘

HI, I would like to translate: Versioning Policy

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the old website translation!
Closing this issue in favor of the new translation: #287.