Use reducer-based paradigm for routing state
taion opened this issue · 10 comments
We should eventually move to a reducer-based paradigm for routing state, as with the new NavigationExperimental
in React Native. This just seems to be the best paradigm for maintaining application-level state.
This gives us the potential for much better integration with Redux. The biggest challenge for the router, though, is that, given async routes, our state is not naturally serializable, which is not strictly a problem with a reducer-based paradigm, but would be a problem for Redux integration.
The serializability problem definitely makes react-router-redux
more difficult to completely integrate, but also having visibility into all of router's internal state doesn't seem to have any advantages as far as I can tell. In fact, it makes it really easy to mess with things in ways that produce bugs we wouldn't otherwise see.
What specific advantages does this afford us? It would seem we have more straightforward needs than a RN app with multi-dimensional navigation and more complex state. We simply map a URL to a particular route tree path. It's very roundabout and convoluted from a simple router, but it would seem we already have this, no?
It's just cleaner architecturally; it gives better hooks for other frameworks to integrate into the data lifecycle, and lets us split out route matching from state management.
Why is the state not serializable? I still don’t quite get it. For example, components don’t need to be in the state if they are given unique IDs that are deterministic given the same version of the code.
I was thinking earlier of doing something like that where you identify the current matching state with some set of indices of the matched routes, something like what React does – e.g.
or something.
This works okay in the synchronous case. I think this breaks down a bit in the async case – if getChildRoutes
uses System.import
, we'd have to build a local cache of routes, and also getChildRoutes
need not be deterministic.
I haven't worked out all the cases, but the line of play is very tricky when we assume that we have async getChildRoutes
handlers that may not always return the same value.
The main complexity here remains async routes – with potentially async getChildRoutes
and getComponent
, it won't be possible to synchronously resolve any serializable state structure into the actual route and component objects.
Maybe the serialized state should just include the location, plus a key into some cache that's separate from the store.
What is the best practice for working around unserializable state anyway? To me it is nearly inevitable, for instance if an app dynamically loads reducers for different routes, then the presence/absence of those reducers is philosophically part of app state, whether or not stored in the redux state, since they affect app behavior.
Some workarounds I have seen create hidden local state. For instance meatier
's solution, its impure makeReducer
import {reducer as form} from 'redux-form'
import {compose} from 'redux'
import {combineReducers} from 'redux-immutablejs'
import auth from '../modules/auth/ducks/auth'
import landing from '../modules/landing/redux/landing'
import {routing} from './routing'
const currentReducers = {
export default (newReducers, reducerEnhancers) => {
Object.assign(currentReducers, newReducers)
const reducer = combineReducers({...currentReducers})
if (reducerEnhancers) {
return Array.isArray(reducerEnhancers) ? compose(...reducerEnhancers)(reducer) : reducerEnhancers(reducer)
return reducer
With this solution, you can't tell from the (serialized) state which reducers are active.
To me a more sophisticated solution would at least put some kind of keys in the redux state that identify which reducers should be loaded, even if the map of loaded reducers lives in local state.
How do y'all deal with this in redux-router?
IMO a router as currently implemented really should just be a reducer, but to give users maximum power from that, it'd really be best to be able to put the state in Redux.
We haven't really addressed the issue of unserializable state. Users have not complained, so either it wasn't relevant for them or they did find suitable workarounds.
I'm not really up-to-date with the current state of react routing solutions though. I guess @mjrussell may have a opinion on your issue as well.
In general I would prefer a reducer-based paradigm. As you already mentioned, it is much cleaner and easier to hook into. Also it is a well understood concept due to the popularity of redux.
There have been a few recommendations to actually understand what a router does, and think about skipping react-router until its additional functionality is actually required:
Understanding something seems like a good idea, regardless. But would a reducer-style and/or serializable react-router help with keeping it simple or reduce (no pun intended) its magicalness / mysteriousness?
@taion's been working on an awesome history
replacement that uses Redux under the hood: Seriously, go check it out.
I think that might be a good avenue to head down, since the Router's own state is hard to serialize into a Redux state. I'm going to close this out in favor of that route (no pun intended).