
Documentation for the compass API

using the Compass API (if you use SSO)

I belive that the session key warrants other actions such as viewing your profile, learning tasks, reports etc.


Sign into compass via the web. You can use SSO or username/password to sign in.


Once the webpage is loaded, use Inspect element to view the webpage html. Go to the Storage tab and coppy the ASP.NET_SessionId. Keep this key secret and don't share it with anyone! This allows whoever has acess to the key to log into your compass account and steal personal information.

session string

Once you have the session id, create a new python file in your editor of choice (I use VS code) and copy&paste the code bellow ( put the session key and user id in the correct spots aswell as your abriviated schools name):

To get the userId, go to SyncMySchedule ( gear icon top right in compass homepage ). Then find the url used to sync the schedule, there should be a parameter called "uid" and a string of digit value in the url (4 or 3). The digits are your userId.

import requests

url = 'https://YOURSCHOOL-vic.compass.education/Services/Calendar.svc/GetCalendarEventsByUser?sessionstate=readonly'
headers = {
    'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

# put your user id in the "userId" value
# you can change the date of the callander view here
data = {

# put your session key here
cookies = {

response = requests.post(url, headers=headers, cookies=cookies, json=data)


for session in response.json()['d']:

If the session key is correct, running the python program should show the events on that specific day ( If there are none, switch to a day were there are ones ). You can view all the data by adding this:


I hope this guide has helped show you how to interface the callender through the compass api.