
Since 1.0.5.RELEASE, BlockHound dependency has runtime scope in blockhound-junit-platform pom.xml

simonbasle opened this issue · 7 comments

Adding blockhound-junit-platform as a dependency used to transitively bring in blockhound, since up until 1.0.4.RELEASE the scope of blockhound in blockhound-junit-platform's pom.xml was compile.

Since the move from Gradle 4.10.2 to 6.8, the end-result scope in the pom is runtime.

Users that only imported blockhound-junit-platform are encouraged to add an explicit dependency to blockhound as well (sharing the same version number).

I'm inclined to keep it as is, with an upgrade warning in the release notes. The idea here is that as far as I understand we would need to make the blockhound-junit-platform a java-library with an api dependency to blockhound for it to expose it as <scope>compile</scope> in the pom again. Given the nature of the code, it is hard to argue it is a library and harder yet that it exposes "a blockhound API".

Please chime in if you have strong arguments in favor of going back to a compile scope in future releases.

Examples in the wild (aka github):

I double checked with simple projects using both Gradle and Maven that test depending solely on blockhound-junit-platform:1.0.5.RELEASE works if all one wants to achieve is check that no problematic blocking code is executed as defined by built-in integrations. For example, it flags a Thread.sleep run inside a Reactor Schedulers.parallel().schedule(...). This is because both Gradle and Maven transitively add blockhound as a runtime dependency of tests in that case.

If one wants to referenc ANY blockhound API in their tests (such as assertThat(exception).isInstanceOf(BlockingOperationError.class) for instance), then they'll need to explicitly add the testCompile dependency to blockhound.

Oh, that's a major issue :(

I would say we must fix it ASAP, as not only it breaks existing usage, but also makes many publicly available articles about BlockHound invalid. Last but not least, such change must have been discussed in advance, and "we performed a major upgrade of the build tool and didn't notice this" IMO is not a good argument for keeping it as it is.

btw, "projects generated by jhipster/generator-jhipster" isn't a single project, but many projects that would need to be updated

If one wants to referenc ANY blockhound API in their tests (such as assertThat(exception).isInstanceOf(BlockingOperationError.class) for instance), then they'll need to explicitly add the testCompile dependency to blockhound.

There is a bigger problem - integrations and customization. Without blockhound on compile classpath, the users would struggle to understand how to apply customizations

There is a bigger problem - integrations and customization. Without blockhound on compile classpath, the users would struggle to understand how to apply customizations

yeah that's a fair point, having it as compile helps with discoverability of customizations. it might be that the default integrations are enough for a lot of users, but still.

ok, so your arguments shift the weight towards a fix, which is:

  • make blockhound-junit-platform use the java-library plugin
  • have it declare an api dependency on blockhound

This should suffice in reverting the difference in the produced pom.xml.

I think I can provide that fix tomorrow, would you be able to double check everything by the end of the week? In which case I could do a fixup release on Monday. AFAIK there are no features lined up so it doesn't make much sense to wait more than that, unless you have anything in mind @bsideup?

@simonbasle thanks! I think we're good releasing it ASAP and not wait for more changes 👍