
Resolve reference guide through `` now

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I went to and clicked on the Reactor Core Reference -> Release link which points to
This link returns a 404 at the moment.

me too

yes, the latest release broke the naming of the zip file(s) that contains the reference guides :(

it is not a matter of renaming the zips in the build, but rather the new mode of publication that enforces following Maven naming conventions, which the previous publication didn't. as a result the site tries to resolve a zip file that doesn't appear to exist, because it is named differently.

The new convention name applies from the following version ranges:

  • core Californium: from 3.2.13.RELEASE (included) to 3.3.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (NOT included)
  • core Dysprosium: from 3.3.1.RELEASE (included) onwards
  • netty Californium: from 0.8.10.RELEASE (included) to 0.9.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT (NOT included)
  • netty Dysprosium: from 0.9.2.RELEASE (included) onwards