
RxJava 3.1.x support

linux-china opened this issue · 8 comments

From RxJava 3.1.1

The operator fusion-related interfaces and two atomic queue implementations have been promoted to standard, thus officially supported in the io.reactivex.rxjava3.operators package. ReactiveX/RxJava#7320

The package for following classes changed:

  • QueueFuseable
  • QueueDisposable
  • QueueSubscription
  • ScalarSupplier
  • SimpleQueue
  • SimplePlainQueue
  • SpscArrayQueue
  • SpscLinkedArrayQueue

And RxJava3Adapter can not work with RxJava 3.1.x version.

Can you pinpoint what is breaking exactly? IIRC the RxJava3 adapater doesn't use any of these classes explicitly. I'm also wondering about the need to support RxJava 3.0.x?


The following classes are not available from RxJava 3.1.1

import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.completable.CompletableFromPublisher;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.operators.single.SingleFromPublisher;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.internal.subscriptions.SubscriptionHelper;

indeed, got it. so what's the play here? we have to break support for RxJava 3.0.x and 3.1.0 in a patch release :/
any idea how the user base sizes compare between RxJava 3.0 and 3.1.1 ?

I have no idea about this :) Now in my project, and I just inlined 4 interfaces in my jar:


I think it's ok to upgrade RxJava 3.1.x and document this change.

latest micronaut uses 3.1.5, I think it's better to upgrade.
RxJava3.0 user could still use the old version

Do you have any update on supporting rxjava 3.1+?

Hello !
This problem is critical for us, and avoids the use of rxJava 3.1.
In RxJava 3.1 release note , it's specified that the 3.0.x patch line won't be developed further.
Any progression of having a reactor-addons compatible with rxJava 3.1 ?

@linux-china @marcambier and others, would you like to make a contribution?