
Provide Micrometer PoolMetricsRecorder adapter

philwebb opened this issue · 3 comments

As discussed in spring-projects/spring-boot#32072 it would be generally useful if an implementation of PoolMetricsRecorder were provided that delegates to Micrometer APIs.


reactor-pool provides a PoolMetricsRecorder interface that can be used to record metrics. Users that want to surface metrics using will need to adapt the PoolMetricsRecorder to the appropriate micrometer APIs. This implementation could be provided by reactor-pool (using an optional Micrometer dependency) to save the same code being written multiple times.

Desired solution

An optional Micrometer dependency is added and a MicrometerPoolMetricsRecorder implementation is added.

Considered alternatives

The implementation could be provided in a third-party library.

Additional context

MicrometerMetricsTracker from Hikari might be good inspiration. It solves a similar problem where a library specific IMetricsTracker interface is adapted to Micrometer.

This should be doable, I have implemented such a recorder + a helper that turns InstrumentedPool.metrics() PoolMetrics into gauges + a DocumentedMeter enum (about 300 lines of code total).

the main difficulty is that we really want the users to explicitly provide a MeterRegistry. offering such an API in the reactor-pool module would mean that the Micrometer API bleeds into our public API, and I haven't been able to solve that with an optional dependency.

so now I have to modify the build and project structure from a single root project to a multi-project build, in anticipation of the creation of a reactor-pool-micrometer second module for this issue. this represents a bit of work as a pre-requisite to fixing this issue.

see PR #164

I'm after feedback on the choices around meter names, tags and types. see notably this enum and this test

this will take the form of a new module in 2022.0.0 BOM (about to go RC1). version will be 0.1.0, unlike main pool artifact which goes 1.0.0.