
Data event is not emitted.

g105b opened this issue ยท 5 comments

g105b commented

Hi, please can you let me know if there is something wrong with how I am using the library?

Example code:


$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$stream = new React\Stream\Stream(fopen("php://memory", "w+"), $loop);

$stream->on("data", function($data) {
    echo "Got data: $data" . PHP_EOL;

$loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function() use($stream) {
    echo "Tick." . PHP_EOL;
    $stream->write("Hello, world!");



php sandbox.php 

Notice there is no "Got data" being displayed, ever.

clue commented

is something wrong with how I am using the library?

Hi and welcome to React! :-) So what are you trying to achieve? :-)

Using a php://memory stream with React is really only useful for tests afaict.
The data event will only be emitted once new data arrives, think of incoming data from a duplex TCP/IP connection.
The write() method will only write to your socket resource, think of writing data to your TCP/IP connection.
This means that the data you read is not necessarily correlated with the data you write.

I hope this helps ๐Ÿ‘

g105b commented

Thanks for the quick response. I'll give you some context of my project and what I'm trying to achieve, hopefully you can help me understand the library better.

Currently, I have a function that is provided chunks of data as the data comes in. It is polled from within a React Loop. It works nicely so far, but I need a way of streaming the data rather than writing it to file or a variable.

The trouble is, the data can be potentially quite massive, and multiple data sources can be read concurrently. I don't want to store the whole data and then process it after it has completed, I want to be able to put it into what I'm calling a "Stream", so that another function within the loop can be alerted when the stream receives data.

I hope this makes sense. Is my use case intended for this library or have I got the wrong end of the stick?

P.S. If I were to use a file instead of php://memory i.e. fopen("/tmp/test.txt", "w+"), there is no change to the output - still tick tick tick tick tick.

clue commented

I'm not sure I follow what you're trying to achieve, so I guess a simple gist might help here :-)

From what I understand it sounds like your may need a function that returns an instance implementing ReadableStreamInterface (possibly just ReadableStream) which emits your data and then pipe() this stream into your destination stream (implementing WritableStreamInterface).

It's a bit unclear where the "data" comes from, so obviously the data will need to be emitted by your source stream (read from a stream socket?).

I hope this helps ๐Ÿ‘

clue commented

I believe this has been answered, so I'm closing this for now. Please come back with more details if this problem persists and we can reopen this ๐Ÿ‘

g105b commented

Thanks, put this down to my misunderstanding and not a bug in the code.