
Testing redux state/context/graphql queries and mutations using react-cosmos

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Talk Title

Testing redux state/context/graphql queries and mutations using react-cosmos


20 mins

Twitter-sized Overview (140 characters)

When testing your connected components, do you do the old

export class MyUnconnectedComponent
export default connect(...)(MyUnconnectedComponent)

trick? There is a better way using react-cosmos.

Detailed Overview

react-cosmos allows you easily create:

  • a mock redux store
  • mock context
  • mock Apollo queries/mutations

It means that your component tests can test the component in its true environment instead of pretending that mapStateToProps doesn't exist.

This is a great talk idea - We'd love to have you give it!

Are you available for our April 1st event?


Locked in 👍
We'll get you up first on the evening, at around 6:30pm. Come say hi at 6:00-ish so we can do an A/V test and quick run-through before we start.

Great see you then.