
Building a browser extension with React and Webpack

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Talk Date

June 2019

Talk Title

Building a browser extension with React and Webpack


Unsure. Probably around 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Twitter-sized Overview (140 characters)

Learn how to build a browser extension (Chrome and Firefox) with a complex UI by leveraging React, Webpack and Babel

Detailed Overview

Have you ever wanted to build a Chrome or Firefox extension? We'll build a simple web app and transform it into a fully functional browser extension. We'll walk through how to use Webpack and Babel to get the best possible developer experience. No prior knowledge required.


Is this the correct place to propose a talk nowadays?

@fwouts I just found this comment: #96 (comment)

@jesstelford I'm trying to submit my talk at, but the form submission crashed (error 4cbc73bdfdb94e1b9f7ac096474ba2f2). After a couple of minutes it refreshed itself with another crash "NO_STATUS_CODE_FROM_LAMBDA". Let me know if you need help debugging it.

😱 Oh no! I missed this one, I'm so sorry!

We have a couple bugs with Cete right now, I've just come back here to temporarily accept talks via GitHub again.

This talk looks great for our June event! If you're still available, I'd love to have you :)

Let's do it! I'm in for the June event :) Is it at Domain?

We have a new venue this month at Atlassian's HQ: 363 George Street

We'll have you up second on Monday: