- 0
- 0
find equivalent for symbolic links on window
#172 opened by bblfish - 0
- 1
A wildcard '*' cannot be used in the 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header when the credentials flag is true
#170 opened by Sachin-Suresh - 0
First start: No matching keys
#168 opened by jibe-b - 1
Authentication verification service
#165 opened by bblfish - 1
enable PUT for LDPCs and LDPRs
#166 opened by bblfish - 0
requests should go directly to the resource actor
#167 opened by bblfish - 0
Improve LDPCommand types
#164 opened by bblfish - 9
Give etag after a put
#157 opened by sylvainlb - 1
cookies and SOP
#160 opened by bblfish - 3
ACLs should link to themselves as their own ACLs
#162 opened by bblfish - 0
Initial Server Setup logic
#163 opened by bblfish - 0
- 0
Enhance the CORS proxy
#117 opened by slorber - 7
- 2
connection from scratch outside of a browser
#121 opened by jmvanel - 0
- 1
Enable run with no parameters
#139 opened by sylvainlb - 1
Example sparql query returns an empty vars list instead of a list with 1 member
#143 opened by reederz - 0
The file for DESCRIBE query example does not exist
#144 opened by reederz - 0
- 1
Change ldp server home web page
#158 opened by fluidlog - 3
move to akka http
#155 opened by bblfish - 1
Enrich the headers returned on a POST
#154 opened by bblfish - 5
Not able to use reverse proxy for SSL termination
#153 opened by reederz - 2
Timeout error on localhost https
#147 opened by peacekeeper - 1
drop 2.10
#156 opened by antonkulaga - 3
Exception when using a domain
#152 opened by sylvainlb - 1
add spkac signature verification
#159 opened by bblfish - 0
LDPC editable subgraph
#161 opened by bblfish - 8
Example for creating an LDPC creates a file instead of a directory on the file system
#142 opened by reederz - 2
link to distant resources
#140 opened by sylvainlb - 0
- 4
Plugin system
#151 opened by sylvainlb - 3
Relative instead of absolute graph is used in ReadWriteWebControllerGeneric to write responses
#149 opened by reederz - 1
Create a data Resource example - inconsistencies
#145 opened by reederz - 8
dist packaging non fonctional
#138 opened by sylvainlb - 15
Set metadata directly in the LDPC
#141 opened by sylvainlb - 0
Create user via API or configuration file
#137 opened by peacekeeper - 7
Missing reader and writer for application/n-triples in readerSelector and writerSelector
#134 opened by reederz - 2
Can't parse rdf+xml in WebID authentication
#127 opened by reederz - 3
update gitter link to read-write-web project
#132 opened by bblfish - 1
html/rdf return should only use content negotiation
#129 opened by bblfish - 1
add LDP Test suite to automatic tests
#126 opened by bblfish - 2
get rid of downloading custom play
#125 opened by antonkulaga - 3
Unable to test rww-play because of dead urls
#122 opened by glibersat - 1
Visibility of Edit button and ACLs
#119 opened by bblfish - 0
- 1
POST missing in Allow: header
#114 opened by bblfish