
Building a shared set of manual tests

mickael-menu opened this issue · 1 comments

While we should strive to cover properly the projects with automated tests, it could be useful to have a sequence of manual tests to make sure that everything is working fine in the apps as well. This would help avoid this kind of oversight.

I guess @aferditamuriqi has a private test suite to prepare the master releases, but having a shared test suite could help catch issues early for impacting PRs.

This could be used to externalize testing to free up valuable engineering time as well.

The test suite could be a fillable Google Spreadsheet with a summary page to track the progress. It would contain detailed steps, such as "go 4 pages backward by tapping the left side of the screen and compare to this screenshot", not just "test book.epub".
The spreadsheet would be read-only, but a tester would make a copy of it, tag it with the date, the tested platform and the commit hash of the tested version.

I built it, feel free to contact me on Slack to get access to the test suite.