Setting up a Community Health folder
rkwright opened this issue · 0 comments
Github recommends that users (such as Readium) set up a separate repository for the "community files". These are the various docs such as LICENSE, SECURITY, etc. Here is a link to the github docs.
The basic idea is that one creates a new repo (e.g. '.github' is the required name) that contains the default files, ie. those that should be used in many if not all cases. HOWEVER. should a use like to substitute a different license (for example) then one simply places the different license file in the target repo. Github will see the non-default file and use that rather than the common license.
This can be extended to the issue templates, contributing, etc. It's kind of a nice approach, but seems (IMHO) a bit of overkill. Bear in mind that this framework will need to be maintained so that all the various files are still in synch over time.