
This is an sms/what'up bot that texts back curiosities about the topic of your choice. Implemented using Twilio Inc.'s APIs

Primary LanguagePython

Bootcamp App (curiosity app)

Messaging Channel

This app uses Whats Up and SMS as the messaging channel via the phone number: +1 818 493 1751

How it works ?

When a client sends any message to the server, this sends a message asking for what the client would like to learn about. The app provides 4 options:

- Humanity: interesting fact about history, art, music, etc; selected typing h or H
- Technology: interesting fact about technology and science, selected typing t or T
- Nature: interesting fact about nature, space, cosmos selected typing n or N
- Random: interesting random facts about everything

Other inputs are also valid such as Tech, technology, random, etc




Database created using selenium, used to scrape webpages related to the topics mentioned above