
Expand Project Online with a Power BI Content Pack


Project Online Power BI Content Pack

With the Project Online Power BI Content Pack content pack, you can expand on the Microsoft Project Online Content Pack. Import and analyze data from Project Online in Power BI. The content pack is designed to help you quickly connect to your Project Online tenant in Office 365 and download a variety of data to visually explore and monitor all the key aspects of your PPM deployment. There are 13 visually rich report pages for the portfolio, resource, and project overview.

The content pack is a quick download and is designed to help you quickly connect to your Project Online tenant in Office 365. The download includes a variety of data to visually explore and monitor all the key aspects of your PPM deployment surrounding overviews of the portfolio, resource, and project.


To use the Microsoft Project Online Content Pack, you need the following:

  • Project Online Premium
  • Power BI
  • Power BI Desktop


When opening the PBIT file, you will be asked to enter the URL for your PWA site. Enter it in this format, replacing "contoso" with your site name. https://contoso.sharepoint.com/sites/pwa

How the sample affects your tenant data

This sample has minimal impact on your tenant data. It only queries Project Service OData to retrieve project data to generate the dashboards in Power BI.

Questions and comments

Additional resources

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information, see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.