
This implementation using darknet's pytorch implementation to detect objects and classify them as per the type of grip used by the human hand to interact with the object.

Primary LanguageHTML

Hand Grip Type detection model for objects


This implementation using darknet's pytorch implementation to detect objects and classify them as per the type of grip used by the human hand to interact with the object.

Grip classificaton

Type of Grip Example objects taken
Key Grip Keys, Credit Cards
Pinch Grip Nuts, bolts
Precision Grip Forcep, Pen
Power Grip Bottles, Tin Cans
Trigger Grip Handgun, Hair Dryer



  • Copy create_list_images.py inside data/python create_list_images.py && mv list.txt ../train.txt

  • Inside train/ run the following command to create list of absolute file paths

python create_list_images.py && mv list.txt ../train.txt 
  • Repeat same for validation/
python create_list_images.py && mv list.txt ../val.txt 
  • Edit training/config/coco.data and set train and val path as path of the created text files under data

  • Install the environment.yml file

conda env create -f environment.yml
  • Run train.py under training -

usage: train.py [-h] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--image_folder IMAGE_FOLDER] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--model_config_path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH] [--data_config_path DATA_CONFIG_PATH] [--weights_path WEIGHTS_PATH] [--class_path CLASS_PATH] [--conf_thres CONF_THRES] [--nms_thres NMS_THRES] [--n_cpu N_CPU] [--img_size IMG_SIZE] [--checkpoint_interval CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL] [--checkpoint_dir CHECKPOINT_DIR] [--use_cuda USE_CUDA]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --epochs EPOCHS number of epochs --image_folder IMAGE_FOLDER path to dataset --batch_size BATCH_SIZE size of each image batch --model_config_path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH path to model config file --data_config_path DATA_CONFIG_PATH path to data config file --weights_path WEIGHTS_PATH path to weights file --class_path CLASS_PATH path to class label file --conf_thres CONF_THRES object confidence threshold --nms_thres NMS_THRES iou thresshold for non-maximum suppression --n_cpu N_CPU number of cpu threads to use during batch generation --img_size IMG_SIZE size of each image dimension --checkpoint_interval CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL interval between saving model weights --checkpoint_dir CHECKPOINT_DIR directory where model checkpoints are saved --use_cuda USE_CUDA whether to use cuda if available

  • Example command to ignore depreciation warnings, savinf errors in error.txt and log in log.txt
python -u -W  ignore train.py --epochs 200 --checkpoint_interval 5 --batch_size 4 --weights_path config/yolov3.weights --n_cpu 4 2>error.txt | tee log1.txt 
  • Your weights after each checkpoint will be stored under checkpoints/


python test.py

  1. Put images to detect inside testing/toDetect/ directory (Some images giving good output already present)
  2. run test.py
  3. your predictions will be saved under prections/


pytorch darknet training

pytorch darknet testing

Open Images Download Kit