Listing out all reports
williscool opened this issue · 2 comments
williscool commented
Not enough testing for a pull request but not an issue because I have a solution.
Just sharing.
if you would like to list out all of your reports you can do
@report_names = Pathname.glob('app/reports/*').map{|f| f.basename("_report.rb")}.collect(&:to_s)
then in your view you can use
<li> <%= link_to report_name.titleize, dossier_report_path( report: report_name ) %> </li>
adamhunter commented
I've been meaning to look into this for sometime and I've recently realized that ActiveSupport provides Class.subclasses
In your view you can do this:
- Dossier::Report.subclasses.each do |report_class|
%li= link_to report_class.report_name, dossier_report_path(report: report_name)
Thank you for sharing though!
nathanl commented
The caveat with subclasses
is that it only includes those that are loaded in memory. In Rails production, this will be everything, but in development, where things are loaded and unloaded dynamically, you can get erratic behavior.