
Move "Download CSV" link to top of page???

mattslay opened this issue · 4 comments

Would you consider moving the "Download CSV" link to the top of the page? The reason I ask is that the report that I am rendering to the page has a few hundred lines, and if the user never scrolls to the bottom of the page, they will never see the "Download CSV" link, and they may not even know that they can download the file.

I've attached a screenshot showing the proposed layout. I also added a horizontal line which makes a nice visual separation between this link and the column headers.

Also, once Excel exporting is working, might you also add a "Download XLS" link as well?


Seems reasonable. In the meantime, don't forget you can just make a custom view in your app. See the README for info, and you can copy and modify /app/views/dossier/reports/show.html.haml

... you can copy and modify /app/views/dossier/reports/show.html.haml

Copy it from where?

"Copy it from where?"


Dang. Right after I posted that I snooped around and found it!!

This is fixed in version 2.4.0.