refmterr "not general enough" errors. [Good First Task!]
Opened this issue · 3 comments
jordwalke commented
We need to add a regex to extract and print these errors: Here's a repro that isn't pretty printed.
type selector('inOut) = ('input, 'output => unit) => unit
constraint 'inOut = 'input => 'output;
let field =
leftSelector: selector('leftIn => 'rightOut),
rightSelector: selector('rightIn => 'rightOut),
) =>
leftSelector(leftInput, leftResult => rightSelector(leftResult, onDone));
type fieldComposer = {
'leftIn 'leftOut 'rightIn 'rightOut.
selector('leftIn => 'leftOut),
selector('rightIn => 'rightOut),
'rightOut => unit
) =>
constraint 'leftOut = 'rightIn;
let fieldCompose = {compose: field};
It prints:
File "lib/", line 325, characters 31-36:
Error: This field value has type
'a 'b.
('a -> 'b) selector ->
'a -> ('b -> 'b) selector -> ('b -> unit) -> unit
which is less general than
'leftIn 'leftOut 'rightIn 'rightOut.
('leftIn -> 'leftOut) selector ->
'leftIn ->
('rightIn -> 'rightOut) selector -> ('rightOut -> unit) -> unit
jordwalke commented
Another example that prints slightly different output but is the same issue:
type selector('inOut) = ('input, 'output => unit) => unit
constraint 'inOut = 'input => 'output;
let field:
'leftIn 'leftOut 'rightIn 'rightOut.
selector('leftIn => 'leftOut),
selector('rightIn => 'rightOut),
'rightOut => unit
) =>
leftSelector: selector('leftIn => 'rightOut),
rightSelector: selector('rightIn => 'rightOut),
) =>
/* Identity should result in: */
leftSelector(leftInput, leftResult =>
rightSelector(leftResult, onDone)
davesnx commented
I will try to pick that one, @jordwalke. Thanks!
davesnx commented
Hey @jordwalke, what's the expected behaviour?
The indentation of the error or/and you mean the look the syntax (more reason-y instead of ocaml style)?
Instead of
type 'inOut selector = 'input -> ('output -> unit) -> unit
type selector('inOut) = ('input, 'output => unit) => unit