
Discussion on Spread Props

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I wanted to open a discussion on a possible way forward to add spread props

If we required users to specify the type of the spread props (assume in the same file for now), it might be possible to have the PPX transform the following,

type exampleSpeadProps = {
  someProp: string,
  someOtherProp: string,

let example = (~someComponentProp, [] exampleSpreadProps) =>
    [@react.spead] exampleSpreadProps


let example = (~someComponentProp, ~someProp: string, ~someOtherProp: string) =>

This should preserve type safety and enable spreading

It'll also have the added benefit that you could use multiple rest/spread types (assuming no names overlap), and spread them to different child elements

It might also be possible to define the types in a different file if we leveraged some of the code from ppx-import