
Feature: frontend history of utm links for current page

ErinPo opened this issue · 1 comments

The current shortcode is nice for creating new links on the frontend but if the user navigates away and back, there is no trace of the links he created. I suggest displaying a history of links created for the current page, optionally restricted to those created by the currently logged-in user.

This issue related to all FrontEnd shortcode functionality, I need to find balance between usability and settings, BCS for example I don't want to show links generated by all users, or show links list only for user who logon, or maybe check it by cookie... a lot of moments which need to brainstorm' before realize it, I don't want add a lot of extra functionality which needs only for one or maybe two users :)

You know first time this Plug-in has been created for internal-use to help marketing team of my company :)

I'll merge issue as duplicate #25