
on ubuntu 20.04 python is not available

MAWSpitau opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

on ubuntu 20.4

$ python
is not available. Fixed it with this...

#!/usr/bin/env bash

python=/usr/bin/python3 # python is no longer awailable on Ubuntu 20.04


[ "$action" = "usage" ] && {
  echo "  Visualize tasks by due date:"
  echo "    due"
  echo "      default behaviour generates a list tasks due today or overdue"
  echo "      Optional argument (integer n) also shows tasks due in next n days."
  echo ""

[ "$action" = "due" ] && {
     $python $(dirname $0)/ "$TODO_FILE" $flag

I don not know if this is clever or not, but it works works for me,

@MAWSpitau, maybe you can fix this by installing python-is-python3.

Thanks for the tipp. Seems like its working!

I've just removed support for Python2 as it is now no longer supported, so you shouldn't need a workaround with the latest commit. Hope that helps!