
Heirline should refresh winbars on `on_colorscheme` as well

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I just noticed that changing colorscheme (or background) as described in cookbook nicely reloads them for statusline but doesn't for winbars.

It's clear that change gets broadcasted to statusline here

self._win_cache = nil
but the same does not happen for winbars and most likely tabline too (but I am barely using colours there to notice) .

Is that something that users could add themselves or would it require change in heirline?


you're right, that needs to be updated. Anyway, I didn't really ever noticed that, and I tested colorscheme changes pretty wildly when developing kanagawa.. Resetting the window cache for components is only meaningful for components that get updated on certain autocmd events, which means that, eventually, they'll be refreshed anyway.

Works perfectly, thank you for rapid fix!