
heirline / wilder woes after 8fb1f07: Receiving error E36 Not enough room

Closed this issue · 2 comments

nvim -v NVIM v0.9.0


Same issue as #49

The solution of using

	require("heirline").setup(StatusLines) --, WinBar)
	require("heirline").winbar = require("heirline.statusline"):new(WinBars)
	vim.opt.winbar = "%{%v:lua.require'heirline'.eval_winbar()%}"

does not work as is the fix for issue #49 (#47 (comment)). Besides I stopped having to use that fix sometime during 0.9 development

Using commit 750a112 does not produce the error.

please see if latest commit fixes the problem

Thanks that fixed it!