
Bug: TablinePicker Recipe broken

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Component: Tabline, specificially the tablinePicker functionality

Copy the Tabline from the recipes, including the picker ... open a few buffers ... trigger the tablinePicker-fn
A label on each buffer being highlighted to pick a buffer ...
Actually happening:
Error: _buflist is nil (require('heirline').tabline._buflist)

Quick Analysis:
I thought maybe a BREAKING CHANGE somewhere since I couldn't find any _buflist prop/obj in require'heirline'.tabline at all.

I was looking through the issues and quickly through breaking changes to see if anything popped up that was talking about this issue, but ... sorry, couldn't find anything fast enough.

Anyway, since the Cookbook/Recipe seems to be outdated/buggy now as well ... I raised an issue to bring this to your attention and ask for help as well :-)

Cheers, J


FYI: a screenie depicting the problem and the relevant config/code