
[HELP WANTED ๐Ÿ†˜] Lazy Loading Problem?

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Hi, I was following the instructions provided in the from this repository. However, when I attempted to load my plugins using the Lazy plugin manager, I encountered the following error:

Failed to run `config` for heirline.nvim                                                                                                                   
...4/.config/GruVim/lua/configs/ui/statuslines/heirline.lua:230: attempt to index a nil value                                                              
# stacktrace:                                                                                                                                              
  - lua/configs/ui/statuslines/heirline.lua:230                                                                                                            
  - vim/_editor.lua:0 _in_ **cmd**                                                                                                                         
  - lua/functions/cmd.lua:20

The error is related to the code in the Diagnostics table:

local Diagnostics = {
  condition = conditions.has_diagnostics,

  static = {
    error_icon = vim.fn.sign_getdefined("DiagnosticSignError")[1].text,
    warn_icon = vim.fn.sign_getdefined("DiagnosticSignWarn")[1].text,
    info_icon = vim.fn.sign_getdefined("DiagnosticSignInfo")[1].text,
    hint_icon = vim.fn.sign_getdefined("DiagnosticSignHint")[1].text,

  init = function(self)
    self.errors = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR })
    self.warnings = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN })
    self.hints = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT }) = #vim.diagnostic.get(0, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO })

  update = { "DiagnosticChanged", "BufEnter" },

    provider = "",
    provider = function(self)
      -- 0 is just another output, we can decide to print it or not!
      return self.errors > 0 and (self.error_icon .. self.errors .. " ")
    hl = { fg = "diag_error" },
    provider = function(self)
      return self.warnings > 0 and (self.warn_icon .. self.warnings .. " ")
    hl = { fg = "diag_warn" },
    provider = function(self)
      return > 0 and (self.info_icon .. .. " ")
    hl = { fg = "diag_info" },
    provider = function(self)
      return self.hints > 0 and (self.hint_icon .. self.hints)
    hl = { fg = "diag_hint" },
    provider = "",

Weirdly enough, this error is inconsistent to produce. See below.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Run :Lazy load all.
  2. It either successfully loads the statusline, or it produces the previously mentioned error.

Attempts To Resolve The Problem

I have tried several approaches to resolve the problem, but none have been successful so far:

  • Loading my plugins with different priority values set.
  • Sequentially loading the colorscheme first, followed by LSP-related plugins, the statusline, and the rest of my plugins.

Note: I have been using the Packer plugin manager for quite some time but recently decided to switch to the Lazy plugin manager, so I'm not sure if I have configured everything properly. Here is the link to my configuration. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

Files That Could Be Related To The Problem


See this issue


Hi @RayZ0rr , thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, I have already tried what you had suggested, and it did not resolve the problem. I actually ended up switching to lualine and created my own statusline that looks very similar to one from the cookbook.

apparently I'm late, but if you use vim.fn.sign_getdefined diagnostic symbols should be defined before heirline config is sourced.