
Show winbar inmediatly after entering

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi there! I'm trying to setup the winbar but I'm having an issue to have it shown upon entering.

If I type nvim path/to/file the winbar won't show until I open a new file (using either :e, Telescope or nvim-tree). I'm using the example config from the cookbook with only a few modifications:

local WinBars = {
    init = utils.pick_child_on_condition,
    {   -- Hide the winbar for special buffers
        condition = function()
            return conditions.buffer_matches({
                buftype = { "nofile", "prompt", "help", "quickfix" },
                filetype = { "^git.*", "fugitive" },
        init = function()
            vim.opt_local.winbar = nil
    {   -- An inactive winbar for regular files
        condition = function()
            return not conditions.is_active()
        utils.surround({ "", "" },, { hl = { fg = "gray", force = true }, FileNameBlock }),
    -- A winbar for regular files
    utils.surround({ "", "" }, colors.alt_bg, FileNameBlock),

And I call require("heirline").setup(StatusLines, WinBars) using VimEnter (if that matters)

Not sure if this is the intended behavior for winbar or if there's something wrong with my config, if you could point to ways to debug my issue I'd greatly appreciate it 🙌🏼

Thank you!

That should be fixed now