
Missing libra txt

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Oddly I don't seem to get the libra text even with FF13Fix running.

My INI is default.

I'm running windows 10 with a GTX 1080 TI with recently updated drivers.

Log is:

13:02:29.214 00014104 FF13Fix 1.4.4
13:02:29.214 00014104 AutoFix for "Final Fantasy XIII" enabled
13:02:29.214 00014104 Base Addr = 400000
13:02:29.214 00014104 Enabling hooks:
13:02:29.214 00014104 initializeHooks = 0
13:02:29.214 00014104 Loaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll
13:02:29.214 00014104 createHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0
13:02:29.246 00014104 enableHookDirect3DCreate9 = 0
13:02:29.246 00014104 createHookCreateWindowExA = 0
13:02:29.271 00014104 enableHookCreateWindowExA = 0
13:02:29.271 00014104 createHookCreateWindowExW = 0
13:02:29.296 00014104 enableHookCreateWindowExW = 0
13:02:29.296 00014104 createHookSetWindowLongA = 0
13:02:29.320 00014104 enableHookSetWindowLongA = 0
13:02:29.321 00014104 createHookSetWindowLongW = 0
13:02:29.346 00014104 enableHookSetWindowLongW = 0
13:02:29.724 00014104 HWND 0x0003081A: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName"
13:02:31.929 00014104 hkIDirect3D9::GetAdapterIdentifier
13:02:31.931 00014104 hkIDirect3D9::Release
13:02:32.030 00014104 HWND 0x00040818: ClassName "Static", WindowName: "test"
13:02:32.052 00014104 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice
13:02:32.053 00014104 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3
13:02:32.053 00014104 PresentationInterval: PresentationInterval set to 1
13:02:32.103 00014104 hkIDirect3D9::Release
13:02:32.107 00014104 HWND 0x0004081A: ClassName "SQEX.CDev.Engine.Framework.MainWindow", WindowName: ""
13:02:32.107 00014104 Starting FFXIII one time RAM patches.
13:02:32.135 00014104 hkIDirect3D9::CreateDevice
13:02:32.135 00014104 BackBufferCount: BackBufferCount set to 3
13:02:32.135 00014104 Changing refresh rate from 60 to 0
13:02:32.135 00014104 PresentationInterval: PresentationInterval set to 1
13:02:32.179 00014104 HWND 0x0011070C: ClassName "CicMarshalWndClass", WindowName: "CicMarshalWnd"
13:02:32.180 00014104 HWND 0x0012070C: ClassName "CicMarshalWndClass", WindowName: "CicMarshalWnd"
13:02:32.244 00003388 HWND 0x0002084E: ClassName "D3DProxyWindow", WindowName: "D3DProxyWindow"
13:02:32.595 00009036 Loaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput8.dll
13:02:32.621 00004960 HWND 0x0003081C: ClassName "DIEmWin", WindowName: "DIEmWin"
13:02:32.635 00009036 HWND 0x00020820: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName"
13:02:32.878 00009036 HWND 0x00030820: ClassName "OleMainThreadWndClass", WindowName: "OleMainThreadWndName"
13:02:34.109 00012960 NOPing the in-game instruction that sets the frame rate.
13:02:34.109 00012960 Removing game slow and synchronous controller continuous controller scanning...
13:02:34.109 00012960 Patching libra info box instructions to take in account the game resolution...
13:02:34.109 00012960 Enabling controller vibration...
13:02:34.109 00012960 Frame pacer target frame rate is at address 185af070
13:02:34.109 00012960 Frame pacer disabled.
13:02:34.109 00012960 Finished FF13 One Time Fixes
13:04:08.072 00014104 HWND 0x000404D2: ClassName "UserAdapterWindowClass", WindowName: ""
13:04:08.185 00014104 Unloaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\dinput8.dll
13:04:08.185 00014104 Unloaded C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll

I've tried a variety of resolutions, full screen vs windowed mode, turning DPI scaling on & off, disabling steam overlay etc. with no success.

Unless of course libra text only appears when you hit the RB - does it not appear when casting libra?

The text only appear when pressing the button to see the enemy intel in battle

Using intel only reveals more information on that screen

Ooops - has been so long since I played. Working as intended then!!

Ooops - has been so long since I played. Working as intended then!!