
Add spec test for built-in logical types

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Currently the JSON Schema meta schema for recap does not know about built in logical types.

A PR to resolve this issue should:

  • add a new def for each of the logical types
  • add valid test recap specs using the logical types

Working on this.

So, I bumped into a little snag. It relates to what I was saying in #350 about runtime vs. compile-time validity.

This test does three things:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_path", invalid_schema_paths)
def test_invalid_schemas(schema_path: str, meta_schema: dict):
    with open(schema_path, "r") as file:
        schema = json.load(file)
        with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
            validate(schema, meta_schema)
        with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
            registry = RecapTypeRegistry()
            recap_type = from_dict(clean_dict(schema), registry)
            check_aliases(recap_type, registry)

It (1) validates that validate fails AND ((2) validates that check_aliases fails OR (3) validates that from_dict() fails).

Upon updating the JSON schema metaschema, I found a few tests were failing, such as:

    "doc": "doc",
    "type": "invalidtype",
    "bytes": 255

This is in "invalid", and an exception is expected. Yet, I get:

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_path", invalid_schema_paths)
    def test_invalid_schemas(schema_path: str, meta_schema: dict):
        with open(schema_path, "r") as file:
            schema = json.load(file)
>           with pytest.raises(ValidationError):
E           Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError'>

This is happening because the schema is valid according to the JSON schema metaschema (we can't validate aliases in JSON schema).

It was passing before because "additionalProperties": false was set for all types, which was causing RecapAliasReference to be used, and bytes is not a member of RecapAliasReference. I removed this because attribute overrides are allowed for aliases, and non-defined types are ignored (they're stored in extra_attrs in Python's RecapType).

So, the question is what to do here. Do we want to require that failing JSON schema metaschema == fails from_dict? Or do we want fails metaschema or fails check_alias == fails from_dict? Or should we wrap JSON schema metaschema validation inside a validate method that also validates aliases?


We could also differentiate in the tests between invalid because of dangling alias ref vs. invalid because of CST structure...

Or we could make the test like this:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_path", invalid_schema_paths)
def test_invalid_schemas(schema_path: str, meta_schema: dict):
    with open(schema_path, "r") as file:
        schema = json.load(file)
        with pytest.raises((ValidationError, ValueError, TypeError)):
            validate(schema, meta_schema)
            registry = RecapTypeRegistry()
            recap_type = from_dict(clean_dict(schema), registry)
            check_aliases(recap_type, registry)

In this case, the test passes as long as validate, from_dict, or check_aliases fails.

I think I got it figured out. This is what I did:

@pytest.mark.parametrize("schema_path", invalid_schema_paths)
def test_invalid_schemas(schema_path: str, meta_schema: dict):
    with open(schema_path, "r") as file:
        schema = json.load(file)

            validate(schema, meta_schema)
            is_valid_metaschema = True
        except ValidationError:
            # Got a validation error, so the metaschema is invalid.
            # The test should pass, since we're expecting an invalid schema.
            is_valid_metaschema = False

        # metaschema passed, so aliases should fail
        if is_valid_metaschema:
            registry = RecapTypeRegistry()
            # from_dict should parse since `validate` passed
            recap_type = from_dict(clean_dict(schema), registry)
            # aliases should fail, since we're expecting an invalid schema
            # and the metaschema is valid.
            with pytest.raises((ValueError, TypeError)):
                check_aliases(recap_type, registry)

Basically, check if validate works. If it does, then from_dict should also work, and check_aliases should fail. If validate fails, then no need to do anything else--it is an invalid schema.

PR up at #360