
Running tests results in command failure.

Closed this issue · 7 comments

After I press the "Run Tests" button in the top of the TEST EXPLORER column, I immediately receive this error in my VS Code OUTPUT window (PHPUnit).

php vendor/bin/phpunit --teamcity --colors=never

dir=$(cd "${0%[/\\]*}" > /dev/null; cd "../phpunit/phpunit" && pwd)

if [ -d /proc/cygdrive ]; then
    case $(which php) in
        $(readlink -n /proc/cygdrive)/*)
            # We are in Cygwin using Windows php, so the path must be translated
            dir=$(cygpath -m "$dir");

"${dir}/phpunit" "$@"

I can execute phpunit manual directly from the terminal window issuing a vendor/bin/phpunit command.

This worked in yesterday's load, but broke overnight in the latest push, it seems.


can you remove the vendor folder, and execute composer install to reinstall PHPUnit?

I deleted the PHPUNIT directory and performed another composer install. I restarted VSCODE and tried to execute the tests, but the problem remains. When I press the Run Tests button, I see a message displayed saying "Running tests", and then it immediately reports "0/0 tests passed (0.00%)". One thing that is odd is that the icon that is displayed beside each test file looks like a small circle (bullet), and not the normal icon. If it matters, I'm using PHP v8.1.9. As well, I can execute phpunit directly from a terminal window without issue.

do you have phpunit.xml ?
It work fine in my windows and mac

you said old version worked fine, could you tell me what version is?

I'm sorry for my tardy reply. I know you've just closed this, but I found a little more info that might be helpful.

One of my development systems works fine. It's a Windows 11/WSL installation, but mirrors the project set-up. The device that doesn't work is a Windows 10/non-WSL environment.

According to the following thread:

This may be due to how composer installs the bin files in various Windows environments.

On the machine on which it works, the file referenced at vendor/bin/phpunit is a php script.

On the machine on which it doesn't work, this same file is a shell script. Deleting the vendor directory and executing another composer install yields exactly the same result.

On both systems, executing "vendor/bin/phpunit" works.

Executing "php vendor/bin/phpunit" fails on one machine (W10), but works on the other (W11/WSL).

At the following URL:

The example given uses "vendor/bin/phpunit" on the CLI as the method to execute the test scripts.

How this translates to how PHPUnit Test Explorer, but I'm hoping that this little bit of info helps to clarify the problem.


on windows 10, set phpunit binary vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
because on windows vendor/bin/phpunit will be vendor/bin/phpunit.bat

Hi. I'm sorry, I don't understand your request. What would you like me to do exactly?

I got's in the settings of the plugin. I set it to "vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit" and it now works find.

Thank you!