
Creating Custom Select Widget

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is not an issue. I was searching for this, so thought it would be good if added here.

create a file SelectWidget.jsx in src/editor/widgets/select

Import the widget in src/editor/widgets/index.js

    import React from "preact/compat";
    import { useState } from "preact/hooks";

    const SelectWidget = props => { 
    // All comments
    const all = props.annotation ?  props.annotation.bodies.filter(body => (body.purpose === props.purpose)) : [];
    const lastAnnotation = all && all.length?all[all.length - 1]:null;

    const parentAll = props.annotation && props.parent? props.annotation.bodies.filter(body => (body.purpose === props.parent)) : [];
    const lastParentAnnotation = parentAll && parentAll.length?parentAll[parentAll.length - 1]:null;

    const onChange = (event) => {

            props.onAppendBody({, purpose:props.purpose, creator:props.creator});

        const isSelected = (option) =>{
                return lastAnnotation.value === option?'selected':'';
                return props.defaultValue === option?'selected':'';;
            return '';

        const getOptionTags = options =>{
                return option => {
                    return <option value={option} selected={isSelected(option)}>{option}</option>
            }else if(lastParentAnnotation){
                const subcategoryOptions = options[lastParentAnnotation.value];
                return option => {
                    return <option value={option} selected={isSelected(option)}>{option}</option>
            return null;

            <div className="r6o-widget r6o-select">
                <select onChange={onChange}>
                    <option value="">{props.label}</option>


    export default SelectWidget;

And in init use

        var anno = Annotorious.init({
            image: "hallstatt",
            locale: "auto",
            widgets: [
            { widget: "SELECT", options: [ "Animal", "Building", "Waterbody"], label:"Independent, but has child dropdown", purpose:"category", defaultValue:"", creator:{name:"Alaksandar Jesus Gene"} },
                { widget: "SELECT", options: { "Animal":["Lion","Tiger"], "Building":["Villa","Apartment"], "Waterbody":["Lake", "River"]}, label:"Options are Dependent to parent dropdown", purpose:"subcategory", parent:"category", defaultValue:"", creator:{name:"Alaksandar Jesus Gene"} },
            { widget: "SELECT", options: [ "High", "Low", "Severe"], label:"Independent Dropdown", purpose:"severity", defaultValue:"", creator:{name:"Alaksandar Jesus Gene"} },

This will produce three dropdowns depending on the purpose and parent.


Thanks for such a great work.

Hey, this is fantastic - many thanks for this! I think I might reformat that and add it as a guide to the website if that's ok with you.(Giving proper credit & linking to your GitHub account, of course. Do let me know if you want any specific kind of attribution mentioned on the guide page.)


The work done from your side is really big. I just coded what I require. Please feel free to make any changes. I will be happy, if you give credit. Thank you.