
This is a read-only mirror for https://git.recolic.net/root/telegram-history-cleanup.git

Primary LanguagePython

Script to delete your history message from groups

This script will automatically delete your history message in all joined groups.
It will check the latest messages (until n seconds ago) of each joined group, and delete the message if:

  1. It was sent from you
  2. The group is not whitelisted
  3. The message was sent at least t seconds ago

It's recommended to auto-run this script daily to protect your privacy.

它会检查每个已加入群组的最近n秒钟的所有消息, 并且在满足以下条件时删除它:

  1. 消息是你发的
  2. 这个群组不在白名单里
  3. 这个消息已经过去t秒了

我们建议你每天自动运行一次此脚本, 来保护你的隐私.

How to setup / deploy this script

Refer to this guide (for a similar script): https://git.recolic.net/root/telegram-antispam-watchdog (Click README_en.md)

The configuration options might be different but you should be able to figure it out.


请查阅这个指南(为一个类似的脚本): https://git.recolic.net/root/telegram-antispam-watchdog

具体配置项目可能有所不同, 但你应该足够聪明可以理解.