
Error: object 'date_onset' not found

mllstrm opened this issue · 1 comments

Please place an "x" in all the boxes that apply

  • I have the most recent version of incidence2 and R
  • I have found a bug
  • I have a reproducible example
  • I want to request a new feature


Can´t create an incidence objekt. Got this: "Error: object 'date_onset' not found"

I have tried to recreate the example from epirhandbook:

I use R 4.2.2 (and got the same result on 4.3.0)

linelist <- import("linelist_cleaned.xlsx")

epi_day <- incidence(            
  x = linelist,                           
  date_index = date_onset,    
  interval = "day"                   

Hi @mllstrm. The 2.0 release of {incidence2} came with some breaking changes (see for details). It is probably worth raising an issue in the epirhandbook repository.

The two changes that have broken this are the fact that we no longer support non-standard evaluation (e.g. date_index must now be quoted) and for a day interval users should convert the date_index variable to date prior to calling (the day interval will be reinstated as an option in a coming release - apologies it should not have been removed).

The current implementation would be to first ensure that date_onset is a date variable and then call incidence, i.e.

# for character date_onset
epi_day <- linelist |>
    mutate(date_onset = as.Date(date_onset)) |>
    incidence(date_index = "date_onset")

# or something like for other types of date_onset
epi_day <- linelist |>
    mutate(date_onset = clock::as_date(date_onset)) |>
    incidence(date_index = "date_onset")