
`plot.incidence2()` fails with `grates_period` dates

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Opening here because I found out while using incidence2 but my understanding is that it's more likely a grates issue so feel free to transfer the issue.


#> Loading required package: grates

raw_dat <- ebola_sim_clean$linelist

dat <- incidence(
  date_index = "date_of_onset",
  interval = 1

#> Error in scale_fun(n.breaks = n_breaks): Please provide a value of `n` corresponding to the given data

#> [1] "grates_period"

Created on 2023-12-04 with reprex v2.0.2

This is the correct place as AFAICT all is still OK in {grates}. Is there any chance you've tried this example previously and had it working? Something odd is happening and the scale_type method is is not being called so need to find out why 😕

T'was me that broke it in the last update. I've patched it over in Can you install that branch and let me know if all seems ok. If so I'll push a patch release in the next couple of days (data.table multi threading issues permitting).

Yes, this fixes the problem I saw. Thanks for the quick answer!